Friday, September 9, 2016

Antique Husking Party Graphic

What a cheerful farm scene this is!

I thought that it would be fun for children to color in, although some adults do enjoy coloring too! I know I am one of those adults.

I am allowing this one to remain in in its original copyright status, that is Public Domain. Please feel free to use it however you like.

One of the best parts for me would have to be how the horses are regarding each other from their separate stalls. I've known horses to do just such a thing, so this has brought back sweet memories for me to enjoy. 

As for the corn and the barn, well - that would be an even sweeter memory for me. On a wet and rainy afternoon at an old family farm with a very large barn, I once helped to shuck corn as a child. This happened at a family reunion. All of the children, myself included, loved that big old barn with its lofts and its straw and hay in stacks and piles. Removing the drying kernels of corn from the cobs was something we children did then using nothing but our bare hands.

We also played at sliding and daring each other to jump from one loft above into the straw pile below! What a good day that was!

Happy Coloring Creativity!

PPSColorMe™: An Antique Husking 
Party Graphic

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This particular item is Copyright Free
and in the Public Domain.
Thank you
for helping me to
keep free things free!

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